Grace Macdonell

Grace Macdonell

With her twin, Cosie, Grace was the youngest of seven children of Angus J.A. and Elinor MacDonald. Born in 1912, she attended school in Alexandria and later at Iona Academy in St. Raphael's. In 1920, Grace began dancing lessons from Miss Carrie Biggers and soon became...

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Agnes MacDonald

Agnes MacDonald

As a performer, a teacher and an accompanist, Agnes MacDonald earned a reputation as a supporter of the Celtic music tradition of Glengarry. "When Agnes was of tender school age, her aptitude for music was noted by the Sisters of the Holy Cross teachers."* Her parents...

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The Lochiel Strings

The Lochiel Strings

In 1980 Paul Louis Lacombe, Stanley Robinson and I, Jean Marie Lacombe, all from Glen Robertson, Ontario met together regularly to play violin music. At this time we would drive down to Bob’s Hotel in Dalhousie Station, Quebec to hear Viola MacCuaig, well known...

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Malcolm Dewar

Malcolm Dewar

Malcolm Munro Dewar was born in Dunvegan, Glengarry County, Ontario in 1935. He attended Dunvegan Public School, Maxville High School and Eastern Ontario Institute of Technology. In his early years, his playing was influenced by Donald Fletcher, Martin Ferguson,...

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Anne & Kenneth McKenna

Anne & Kenneth McKenna

Both musically talented, Ken played the pipes and Anne the piano. The McKennas moved to Glengarry County and immediately became involved in the community. In 1990, they began the Glengarry Gaelic Choir which required many hours of organizing and practicing. The Choir...

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Recent Posts

Come to Our Festive Ceilidh!

We are having a Festive Ceilidh on Sunday, December 1st from 2 - 4pm at the Hall. All instruments are welcome, including voice and dancing. There will be apple cider, punch and Christmas goodies. Goodwill offering proceeds go to the Hospice in Cornwall. We hope to see...

Nomination Time

It is once again time to submit your applications for consideration of persons to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Nominations must be received by December 31st.** Due to the ongoing postal strike, please email your nominations to glengarryceltic@gmail.com **

Rene Trottier Has Passed Away

We were saddened to learn that 2004 inductee Rene Trottier has passed away. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends. He will be greatly missed. View...

Annual Old Time Family Dance

Join us on Saturday, September 28th, 2024 at 8pm for the Annual Old Time Family Dance at McCrimmon Hall (7007 County Road 23A). Featuring the best of music, and a late lunch for $10 admission. Proceeds go towards Hall upkeep.

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