Donald William (Donnie D.D.) MacLeod

Donald William (Donnie D.D.) MacLeod

This legendary Glengarry piper was born September 28, 1890 to Donald D. MacLeod and his wife, Mary Ann MacSweyn. As a youngster, he learned to play the fife, accordion, piano and fiddle before he learned to play the bagpipes. He picked up tunes from his uncle, Fred...

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Rev. C. H. (Charles Haddon) Dawes

Rev. C. H. (Charles Haddon) Dawes

Rev. Dawes was born in 1907 in Southampton, England and at the age of six years moved with his family to Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec. He was educated at McGill University and in 1930, became an ordained minister of the United Church of Canada. Over a period of...

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David Danskin

David Danskin

Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, David Danskin was active in the Glengarry Piping community for over 40 years. He moved to Maxville in January, 1969 from Ottawa where he was a member of the Rockcliffe Air Force Pipe Band. He took on the task of teaching at the Glengarry...

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Denis Carr

Denis Carr

For over thirty years, Denis has been at the forefront of Celtic music in Glengarry. He joined the Brigadoons in 1977 and it soon became apparent to anyone who saw him perform that he was an accomplished vocalist. He sang songs from the “auld sod” that he knew from...

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Duncan (the Farmer) McDonald

Duncan (the Farmer) McDonald

Duncan, “the Farmer,” as he is now known in Glengarry was born and raised on the family farm in Glen Roy. He is the son of John Sander and Ella McDonald. His family was noted for its support of Celtic music and traditions. Duncan came from a musical family of...

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Recent Posts

Come to Our Festive Ceilidh!

We are having a Festive Ceilidh on Sunday, December 1st from 2 - 4pm at the Hall. All instruments are welcome, including voice and dancing. There will be apple cider, punch and Christmas goodies. Goodwill offering proceeds go to the Hospice in Cornwall. We hope to see...

Nomination Time

It is once again time to submit your applications for consideration of persons to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Nominations must be received by December 31st.** Due to the ongoing postal strike, please email your nominations to glengarryceltic@gmail.com **

Rene Trottier Has Passed Away

We were saddened to learn that 2004 inductee Rene Trottier has passed away. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends. He will be greatly missed. View...

Annual Old Time Family Dance

Join us on Saturday, September 28th, 2024 at 8pm for the Annual Old Time Family Dance at McCrimmon Hall (7007 County Road 23A). Featuring the best of music, and a late lunch for $10 admission. Proceeds go towards Hall upkeep.

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