Fiddle Mass at St Anthony’s Church

Oct 6, 2015 | Events, Fiddling

Fred Leroux is having a “Fiddle Mass” at St. Anthony’s Church in Apple Hill on Sunday, Oct. 25. All fiddlers are encouraged to come and join in the service. The music starts at 10:00am and mass at 10:30. Breakfast is served from 9:00 to noon (free will offering).

If anyone needs music, he or she can get it by writing to and we will send it. Most of the pieces are standards and many are on the CD.  The list is as follows:

Before Mass: (subject to some change, but all familiar tunes)

  1. Hundred Thousand Welcomes
  2. Mairi’s Wedding, Hundred Pipers
  3. Kelsey McDonell’s Jig & the Barren Rocks of Aden
  4. Road to the Isles, Donald McLean’s Farewell to Oban, Sir Reginald MacDonald
  5. El Alamein, Off She Goes, Father O’ Flynn
  6. Maple Sugar
  7. Wild Rose of the Mountain, Fanny Power, Loch Garry Breezes
  8. Bonnie Dundee, The Mucking o’ Geordie’s Byre
  9. In Memory of Anne McNaughtan
  10. The Headlands

The processional will be How Great Thou Art; the recessional, May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You. At Communion, tentatively planned are Amazing Grace and In Memory of Anne McNaughtan; it is likely that Glengarry My Home will be played at some point.

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