When he was four years old, his mother bought him a violin for Christmas. Sid would play his violin every chance he got. When his mother was tired of hearing him, he would go and play his violin under his bed. At the age of ten he began making up his own tunes, and at thirteen he started to play his violin with friends and at house parties.
Sid married in 1938, and in 1944 moved to Cornwall, where he had his own orchestra and played four to five nights a week. Sid also taught violin, guitar and piano, made and refinished violins, tuned pianos, and repaired other musical instruments.
In 1950 Sid formed a group: Sid and his Western Pals. He played for CJSS in the early ’50s. The musicians who played in the group were Johnny Chenier, Benny Dumont, Larry Desrossiers, Lawrence Leroux and his Sid’s wife, Simone. Sid and Simone played at many street dances, and the group often played in Quebec. They also played for many wedding receptions. Sid was busy almost every weekend in 1956. He played in many contests and won numerous trophies.

Around 1958 Sid and Simone moved to Alexandria, where he had his own music store on Main Street. He sold records, tapes, pianos, violins and guitars. Around 1971, they moved to Glen Robertson, where they stayed. There, he still had many students and continued to do piano tuning.
In 1995 Sid moved to the Maria Goretti residence in Alexandria. He continued to give lessons to some of his pupils in his room and also went to play his violin at some private parties. In 2001 his health deteriorated and he had to be transferred to the Community Nursing Home in Alexandria.
Sid and his Western Pals lasted fifty-five years. He passed away on September 18, 2002. Sid Plamondon and his music will always be remembered by his family and friends.