
Brian and Elizabeth Caddell

Brian and Elizabeth Caddell

In 1993, Brian and Elizabeth Caddell came together from different Celtic backgrounds and since that time they have worked to perform and promote Celtic music. Elizabeth (nee MacDonald) is a local girl who grew up in Glengarry. She took piano lessons at a young age and...

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The MacCulloch Dancers

The MacCulloch Dancers

In 1954 the late Rae MacCulloch started the MacCulloch School of Dancing. Their first performance was at St. Andrew’s Day concert at St. Finnan’s Church Hall in Alexandria. They were invited by Father John MacPhail and were an instant success. Within a short time they...

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David McCormick

David McCormick

Born in Cornwall, Dave McCormick taught himself to play many instruments, starting with the drums in a rock and roll band. Later he played with Sylvester MacDonald and The Clansmen for several years. After mastering bass guitar he joined the Black River Bluegrass...

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Alexander Norman (Red Alex) Stewart

Alexander Norman (Red Alex) Stewart

Red Alex Stewart was a well-known and respected piper and violinist for many years in Glengarry. He was known as “Red Alex” to distinguish him from his neighbour and cousin “Black Alex.”  He spent his entire life in the Stewart’s Glen and Skye area of Northern Glengarry.

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Larry Lafave

Larry Lafave

Larry Lafave was a lifelong resident of Martintown. He was born on May 31, 1943, the son of Mabel Flaro and Joseph B Lafave. He was a well liked and respected member of the community. An avid musician, Larry played guitar in a few local establishments and in several hotels in West Quebec.

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Duncan “Dougie” J. MacDonald

Duncan “Dougie” J. MacDonald

Duncan played for 50 years with various groups including The Skye Orchestra, The MacCrimmon Orchestra, and the MacDonald Brothers. He played with Bob Urquhart, Joyce (Allen) Urquhart, Bev MacQueen, James Nixon, Duncan J and Rod MacPhee and of course, his brothers (The Dougie Boys).

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Shelley MacPhee

Shelley MacPhee

For over fifty years Shelley MacPhee has been a driving force and is heavily influential with the ongoing operation of the Glengarry School of Piping and Drumming. During this time, hundreds of students, a good number from Glengarry, have passed through the school, learning the fine art of highland bagpiping and drumming.

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Regimental Pipes and Drums of the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders

Regimental Pipes and Drums of the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders

To this day, The Regimental Pipes and Drums of the SD&G Highlanders is comprised of serving and retired members of the unit as well as civilian members. For 130 years this band has been known for their deep Celtic roots in Glengarry and adherence to the traditions of the Highlanders. Its roots in the Militia Companies of Glengarry, (No. 4 Company, Lancaster, No. 5 Company, Williamstown, and No. 7 Company, Dunvegan) have made outstanding contributions to Celtic music in Glengarry.

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Ashley MacLeod-McRae

Ashley MacLeod-McRae

First taught by her dad, Ian, when she was ten and later by Denis Lanctot, Ashley MacLeod-Mcrae’s youthful exuberance and love for the fiddle made her a master artist of our time. She and her dad have helped to reignite the interest in fiddle music in Glengarry.

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Our Inductees

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Come to Our Festive Ceilidh!

We are having a Festive Ceilidh on Sunday, December 1st from 2 - 4pm at the Hall. All instruments are welcome, including voice and dancing. There will be apple cider, punch and Christmas goodies. Goodwill offering proceeds go to the Hospice in Cornwall. We hope to see...

Nomination Time

It is once again time to submit your applications for consideration of persons to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Nominations must be received by December 31st.** Due to the ongoing postal strike, please email your nominations to **

Rene Trottier Has Passed Away

We were saddened to learn that 2004 inductee Rene Trottier has passed away. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends. He will be greatly missed. View...

Annual Old Time Family Dance

Join us on Saturday, September 28th, 2024 at 8pm for the Annual Old Time Family Dance at McCrimmon Hall (7007 County Road 23A). Featuring the best of music, and a late lunch for $10 admission. Proceeds go towards Hall upkeep.

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